Increased Business Contact Helps You Grow and Expand Your Business
Reach future clients directly via meetings and the HBA’s membership directory
Network fellow association members at monthly membership dinner meetings
Annual golf tournament and other social events provide interaction with industry members in a relaxed, fun environment
Local connection to nearly 700 members
Benefit from the combined experience and knowledge of hundreds of other members
Protecting Your Business at All Levels of Government
The HBA monitors and works with all city and county governments in the region, representing the building industry’s position on a variety of regulatory issues including land use issues, fees and building & development regulations.
HBA Legal Defense Fund files lawsuits when needed to protect the industry from illegal government fees and regulations
The HBA’s Political Action Committee contributes more than tens of thousands of dollars annually to candidates and ballot measures supportive of industry issues and priorities
The Oregon Home Builders Association’s team of lobbyists represent your interests at the Oregon legislature and before a variety of state agencies
The National Association of Home Builders’ lobbying team represents your interests in Washington DC
Educational Seminars and Publications Keep You Updated on Important Industry Information
The HBA’s Chalkline newsletter keeps you informed about local industry news and changes, networking and business development events and opportunities for you to get involved
Regular e-news alerts keep you updated about industry news and events
Builder Magazine mailed monthly to all builder members
Nation’s Building News sent to all members Educational seminars that keep you and your employees on the cutting edge of important industry information
Annual NAHB International Builder’s Show features more than 100,000 attendees, hundreds of hours of educational seminars, and product displays from the nation’s leading manufacturers and material suppliers
Annual Tour of Homes provides builders with excellent opportunities to advertise their new homes to potential buyers
Builders Trade Show Night for vendors and trade contractors to display their business to hundreds of area contractors
Members receive booth discounts at the HBA-sponsored Mid-Valley Home Show at the Oregon State Fairgrounds
Your listing in the HBA Membership Directory gets your vital business information in front of hundreds of other members
Advertising in the Chalkline newsletter and/or Membership Directory is among the most effective and lowest-cost ways of marketing your business to others in the industry.
Mailing labels available for your direct marketing to other members
Event sponsorships get your business high-quality exposure
Discounts and Benefits
Significant discounts on SAIF workers’ compensation insurance for qualifying members The HBA has a full-time staff member to help you avoid OSHA citations, prevent workplace injuries and return injured workers to work as soon as possible
The HBA offers exclusive free access to CCB continuing education courses for your CCB license renewal through
Ed Staub Petroleum offers an exclusive members-only discount on gas and diesel
SwipeNow offers HBA members discounts on credit card processing
Verizon Wireless offers HBA Builder and most subcontractor members with 5 phones or more discounts on nearly all Verizon cell phone plans, including data and PDA plans as well as accessory discounts
NAHB offers an array of membership advantage discounts. To view discount information go to
Significant discounts on SAIF workers’ compensation insurance for qualifying members The HBA has a full-time staff member to help you avoid OSHA citations, prevent workplace injuries and return injured workers to work as soon as possible
The HBA offers exclusive free access to CCB continuing education courses for your CCB license renewal through
Ed Staub Petroleum offers an exclusive members-only discount on gas and diesel
SwipeNow offers HBA members discounts on credit card processing
Verizon Wireless offers HBA Builder and most subcontractor members with 5 phones or more discounts on nearly all Verizon cell phone plans, including data and PDA plans as well as accessory discounts
NAHB offers an array of membership advantage discounts. To view discount information go to